Channel: Kevin Koym
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Health, Juicing, and Vegetables


Over the last few years I have lost several family members and good friends to cancer.
As an entrepreneur that believes that almost anything is possible, I have used this time
to decide to explore possible preventatives or cures for cancer and diabetes… or at
least look perhaps to the fringe for solutions.

In my research, an interesting picture has emerged about the use of a (nearly) vegan
diet, and at times just pure vegetable juice as a tonic that lowers the susceptibility to
these ailments.

So today, I am just off a four day pure vegetable juice fast. For the last four days I have
had only vegetable juices four times a day, made out of some assortment of carrots,
beats, celery, wheat grass, kale, and spinach. I did not try to be exact in my choosing of
what was in each juice, nor did I try to time them exactly. The first one I made at home,
but subsequent ones I went to the Juice Spot, Whole Foods North, and Whole Foods

So here is my results: I felt great. I only had hunger pains on the second day, although I
think most of that was because of a very small amount of organic chocolate that I snuck
from a coworker. I went from 206.4 pounds to 198.8 pounds. I felt energized, and I
slept pretty well (which historically doesn’t always happen for me).

The surprising upside: I noticed that in a very short period of time, not only did I lose the
weight, but the athlete’s foot that I usually had disappeared. Moreover, with the medita-
tion classes that I take, I noticed (not sure if it is related or not) that I was able to medi-
tate deeper than I had been. The only downside, other than some hunger pains was
just the natural implication of not having any solid food in my system meant that visits to
the bathroom were different.

All in all, though, I have found a new practice that I will do again, and probably next time
for more time than I did this time.

So here’s some of the background material that might be of interest to watch and read
before embarking on this experiment:

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (video)
In this documentary, Joe Cross, the show’s host, takes 60 days across the US, juicing
all of the way. He and several of the persons profiled in the movie lose significant
weight and stop having to take medication for the health conditions that they have.

The Gerson Method (video)
Dr Max Gerson, a doctor that was practicing in the 1930s is profiled with the method
used to save countless lives. The video is definitely dated, and will be somewhat wonky
for a modern audience, but still for a curious mind looking into diet, this method is inter-
esting enough to consider.

The China Study (book)
In the China Study author Dr. T. Colin Campbell states in a fairly rigorous, verifiable
method how the percentage of animal protein in one’s diet directly affects susceptibility
to cancer. One study shows that a 5% milk protein diet for laboratory mice is cancer
resistant, while 20% or more milk protein in the diet is cancer susceptible. Furthermore,
Dr. Campbell shows data that he was able to collect in conjunction with the Chinese
government in 19YY that this trend is shown in humans as well across a variety of dis-

Forks Versus Knives (movie)
In this documentary, Dr. T. Colin Campbell from the China Study and Dr. Caldwell B. Es-
selstyn, Jr,team up to show how both of their practices (one as a researcher, the other as
a heart surgeon) line up on the incidents of heart disease and other diseases… sug-
gesting a diet that is mainly vegetables with a little bit of meat (significantly less than
what is normal in the American diet) is the best bet for long term good health.

All in all, this little experiment that I have done over that few days has been an interest-
ing delve into fasting with a juice diet. Certainly I’ll try it again, if for only the significant
decrease in athlete’s foot, if not also the weight loss. Perhaps as well, given that I be-
lieve a lot of what I heard in the book and documentaries above, there will also be an
entrepreneurial opportunity that I’ll find in this self research as well.

LIfe’s an experiment… I’ll keep on experimenting. Let me know if you do as well. Here’s to our health!

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