Around the Tech Ranch, we have recently had our first team launch a commercial startup based around the Arduino microcontroller. What is the Arduino? Simply put, it is a microcontroller- a simple set of computer chips that are easy to program and configure for small projects- that either stand alone (e.g. like a robot) or are tied into other computers (e.g. like some external system tied to a computer). The team that has launched the startup around Tech Ranch has not yet publicized their work… so I can’t tell you about that just yet… but it is exciting… for the “revolution” in this is that new hardware products can be made by entrepreneurs very inexpensively… allowing an ever increasing amount of innovation.
The following documentary gives a little bit of overview about the Arduino, including many projects that give you a flavor for the scope of this new technology platform. Enjoy and imagine what you can build! :-) (and go build it!)